Welcome to Ram
Meenakshisundaram's Transputer Home Page
sequential computers are
approaching a fundamental physical
limit on their potential power. Such a limit is
the speed of light
Transputing Without Transputers
- Reimplementing
Transputers in FPGA (comp.arch.fpga discussion)
- Hardware
for Transputing without Transputers, Walker P., WoTUG 19 :pp1-20, 1998
- Hardware
Implications for Virtual Channels, particularly for the Bus Interface,
Walker P., WTC, Como 1994
- Hands-on
Computer Architecture - Teaching Processor and Integrated Systems Design
with FPGAs, Gray J.
- Building
a RISC in an FPGA - Part 1: Tools, Instruction Set, and Datapath, Gray J.,
Circuit Cellar, March 2000
- Building
a RISC in an FPGA - Part 2: Pipeline and Control Unit Design, Gray J.,
Circuit Cellar, April 2000
- Building
a RISC in an FPGA - Part 3: System-on-a-Chip Design, Gray J., Circuit
Cellar, May 2000
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