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sequential computers are
approaching a fundamental physical
limit on their potential power. Such a limit is
the speed of light
Sundance SMT225 ADC and DAC TRAM
- Four 12-bit D/A channels
- 12-bit sampling A/D channel
- 8 input analogue multiplexor
- Integrated S/H, 10.4ms conversion
- T225 + 64KBytes SRAM
The SMT225 uses a single chip analogue device to provide multiplexor,
sample-and-hold and analogue-to-digital functions (Maxim MAX180)
and a further device to provide four digital-to-analogue channels
(Maxim MAX527). Bipolar input and output voltages swing from +2.5V
to -2.5V with an accuracy of 1LSB. Analogue inputs can be selected
as differential (4 inputs) or single ended (8 inputs).
Conversion can be initiated by software or from an on-board clock
which gives either a 10.4ms or 12ms conversion rate. The DAC may
also be locked to a selected sample clock in this mode. 64KBytes
of fast SRAM can be used to provide data buffers in the T225 address
space with 512bytes decoded out for the ADC and DAC interfaces.
The SMT225 uses a 25MHz T225 16-bit transputer. Transputer source
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