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sequential computers are
approaching a fundamental physical
limit on their potential power. Such a limit is
the speed of light

Networks, Routers and Transputers:
Function, Performance and Application
Edited by: M.D. May, P.W. Thompson and P.H. Welch

High speed networks
are an essential part of public and private telephone and computer
communications systems. An important new development is the use of
networks within electronic systems to form the
connections between boards, chips and even the subsystems of a chip. This trend
will continue over the 1990s, with networks
becoming the preferred technology for system interconnection.
Two important technological advances have fuelled
the development of interconnection networks.
First, it has proved possible to design high-speed links able to operate
reliably between the terminal pins of VLSI chips. Second, high levels of
component integration permit the construction of VLSI
routers which dynamically route messages via their links. These same two
advances have allowed the development of embedded VLSI computers to provide
functions such as network management and data conversion.
built from VLSI routers have important
properties for system designers. They can provide high data throughput and low
delay; they are scalable up to very large numbers of terminals; and they can
support communication on all of their terminals at the same time. In addition,
the network links require only a small number of connection points on chips and
circuit boards. The most complex routing problems are moved to the place where
they can be done most easily and economically - within the VLSI
The first half of this book brings together a
collection of topics in the construction of communication
networks. The first chapters are concerned
with the technologies for network construction. They cover the design of
networks in terms of standard links and VLSI
routing chips, together with those aspects of the transputer which are directly
relevant to its use for embedded network computing functions. Two chapters cover
performance modeling of links and networks,
showing the factors which must be taken into consideration in network design.
The second half of the book brings together a
collection of topics in the application of communication
networks. These include the design of
interconnection networks for high-performance
parallel computers, and the design of parallel database systems. The final
chapters discuss the construction of large-scale
networks which meet the emerging ATM protocol standards for public and
private communications systems.
The 1990s will see the progressive integration of
computing and communications: networks will
connect computers; computers will be embedded within
networks; networks will be embedded
within computers. Thus this book is intended for all those involved in the
design of the next generation of computing and communications systems.
February 1993
Work on this subject has been supported under
various ESPRIT projects, in particular `Parallel Universal Message-passing
Architecture' (PUMA, P2701), and more recently also under the `General Purpose
MIMD' (P5404) project. The assistance of the EC is gratefully acknowledged.
- 57K]
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Chapter 1 Transputers & Routers:
Components for Concurrent Machines |
- 110K]
- 1.1 Introduction
- 1.2 Transputers
- 1.3 Routers
- 1.4 Message Routing
- 1.5 Addressing
- 1.6 Universal Routing
- 1.7 Conclusions
Chapter 2 The T9000 Communications
Architecture |
- 147K]
- 2.1 Introduction
- 2.2 The IMS T9000
- 2.3 Instruction set basics and processes
- 2.4 Implementation of Communications
- 2.5 Alternative input
- 2.6 Shared channels and Resources
- 2.7 Use of resources
- 2.8 Conclusion
Chapter 3 DS-Links and C104
Routers |
- 161K]
- 3.1 Introduction
- 3.2 Using links between devices
- 3.3 Levels of link protocol
- 3.4 Channel communication
- 3.5 Errors on links
- 3.6 Network communications: the IMS C104
- 3.7 Conclusion
Chapter 4 Connecting DS-Links
- 156K]
- 4.1 Introduction
- 4.2 Signal properties of transputer links
- 4.3 PCB connections
- 4.4 Cable connections
- 4.5 Error Rates
- 4.6 Optical interconnections
- 4.7 Standards
- 4.8 Conclusions
- 4.9 References
- 4.10 Manufacturers and products referred to
Chapter 5 Using Links for System
Control |
- 153K]
- 5.1 Introduction
- 5.2 Control networks
- 5.3 System initialization
- 5.4 Debugging
- 5.5 Errors
- 5.6 Embedded applications
- 5.7 Control system
- 5.8 Commands
- 5.9 Conclusions
Chapter 6 Models of DS-Link
Performance |
- 302K]
- 6.1 Performance of the DS-Link Protocol
- 6.2 Bandwidth Effects of Latency
- 6.3 A model of Contention in a Single C104
- 6.4 Summary
Chapter 7 Performance of C104
Networks |
- 94K]
- 7.1 The C104 switch
- 7.2 Networks and Routing Algorithms
- 7.3 The Networks Investigated
- 7.4 The traffic patterns
- 7.5 Universal Routing
- 7.6 Results
- 7.7 Performance Predictability
- 7.8 Conclusions
Chapter 8 General Purpose Parallel
Computers |
- 81K]
- 8.1 Introduction
- 8.2 Universal message passing machines
- 8.3 Networks for Universal message passing machines
- 8.4 Building Universal Parallel Computers from T9000s and
- 8.5 Summary
Chapter 9 The Implementation of
Large Parallel Database Machines on T9000 and C104
Networks |
- 105K]
- 9.1 Database Machines
- 9.2 Review of the T8 Design
- 9.3 An Interconnection Strategy
- 9.4 Data Storage
- 9.5 Interconnection Strategy
- 9.6 Relational Processing
- 9.7 Referential Integrity Processing
- 9.8 Concurrency Management
- 9.9 Complex Data Types
- 9.10 Recovery
- 9.11 Resource Allocation and Scalability
- 9.12 Conclusions
Chapter 10 A Generic Architecture
for ATM Systems |
- 960K]
- 10.1 Introduction
- 10.2 An Introduction to Asynchronous Transfer Mode
- 10.3 ATM Systems
- 10.4 Mapping ATM onto DS-Links
- 10.5 Conclusions
Chapter 11 An Enabling
Infrastructure for a Distributed Multimedia Industry
- 137K]
- 11.1 Introduction
- 11.2 Network Requirements for Multimedia
- 11.3 Integration and Scaling
- 11.4 Directions in networking technology
- 11.5 Convergence of Applications, Communications and
Parallel Processing
- 11.6 A Multimedia Industry - the Need for Standard
- 11.7 Outline of a Multimedia Architecture
- 11.8 Levels of conformance
- 11.9 Building stations from components
- 11.10 Mapping the Architecture onto Transputer Technology
- 180K]
- New link cable connector
- Link waveforms
- DS-Link Electrical specification
- An Equivalent circuit for DS-Link Output Pads
Enquires to rmeenaks@olf.com