Welcome to Ram
Meenakshisundaram's Transputer Home Page
sequential computers are
approaching a fundamental physical
limit on their potential power. Such a limit is
the speed of light

Levco TransLink Macintosh Transputer

- TransLink SE
- up to two Transputer modules
- off-board links physically linked
- uses internal SE slot
- SuperServer - external support
- TransLink II
- up to four Transputer modules
- C004 Link switch
- up to five boards per Mac
- uses internal NuBus slot
- SuperServer - external support
- TransLink modules
- T414 or T800 transputer
- 15 or 20 MHz operation
- all four links available
- Inmos standard pin out
- 256K, 1MB or 4MB local RAM
Enquires to rmeenaks@olf.com