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the speed of light

INMOS IMSB419 Integrated Graphics TRAM

- IMS T800 32-bit Transputer
- IMS G300 Colour Video Controller
- 2 Mbytes of four cycle DRAM
- 2 Mbytes of four cycle VRAM
- Huge variety of software selectable screen formats
- Pixel rates 70 to 110 MHZ @ 8bit/pixel
- Communicates via 4 INMOS serial links (Selectable
between 10 or 20 Mbits)
- Size-6 TRAM
- Designed to a published specification (INMOS technical
Note 29)
The IMS B419 incorporates the IMS G300 Colour Video Controller
with the IMS T800 32-bit Floating Point Transputer to form a high performance
graphics system. Two Mbytes of four cycle DRAM provides a general purpose
store sufficient to run applications such as the X-window system, it also allows
Transputer Development System (TDS) to be resident on board. Two Mbytes of
Video RAM provide arbitrary screen resolutions up to a maximum of 1280 x 1024 8
bit/pixel with unrestricted screen formats at resolutions below this.
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