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INMOS B407 Size-8 Ethernet TRAM

General Description

The IMS B407 is an INMOS link to Ethernet / Cheapernet interface.  It allows transputer systems to be connected to other computers and computer networks via IEEE802.3 Local Area Networks (LANs).  The IMS B407 can be connected to Ethernet Systems (IEEE802.3 10BASE5 or Type A); or to Cheapernet systems (IEEE802.3 10BASE2 or Type B).  The IMS B407 consists of an IMS T222 16 bit transputer with 64 kbytes of SRAM.  The Ethernet / Cheapernet interface is implemented with the Am7990 (LANCE), Am7992 and Am7996.  The Cheapernet interface is isolated to 500V dc.  An Attachment Unit Interface (AUI) is provided for connection to Ethernet Media Access Units.

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