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sequential computers are
approaching a fundamental physical
limit on their potential power. Such a limit is
the speed of light
INMOS IMSB014 VMEbus Slave Motherboard
- Compatible with VMEbus Specification Rev. C.1
- Accommodates 8 standard transputer
modules (TRAMs)
- Static or dynamic link configuration using two IMS C004
link switches
- VMEbus interface designed around an IMS C012 link adaptor
- Expandable to form arbitrarily large systems
- Suitable for use as VMEbus-transputer interface with a
SUM based development system and IMS CA12 card frame
The IMS B014 module motherboard is compatible with VMEbus Specification Rev.
C.1. It is a standard depth (160mm), double height (6U) card, containing 8
TRAM slots with associated configuration circuitry and a VMEbus slave
interface. Two IMS C004 crossbar link switches are provided to allow the
user to configure the transputer link connections. This architecture
allows any topology to be established on the board. Additionally, 24 links
are brought to the edge connectors (8 on the P2 back connector, and 16
split between two front connectors) so that larger networks, using multiple
boards, may be constructed..
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