" sequential computers are approaching a fundamental physical
limit on their potential power. Such a limit is the speed of light "
Helios TCP/IP is a comprehensive TCP/IP support package for the Helios real-time operating system. Based on the industry standard BSD code, it provides all the usual TCP/IP daemons and services:
NFS sendmail smtp ttyserv lpd ftpd rexecd rlogind rshd telnetd inetd PPP
To assist the embedded code developer to develop network applications rapidly and prototype ethernet hardware simultaneously, Helios TCP/IP will allow target applications to 'share' the ethernet services of the host development computer before target network hardware is available. Once the application has been fully debugged and hardware is ready, a target device driver is substituted for the host network device driver. Helios device drivers conform to a simple, easy-to-write specification. Example driver source code is provided with the software. Helios TCP/IP is supplied with target binaries which may be embedded into deployed systems or executed during development directly from the Helios shell. The commands include:
ping mail lpc lpq lpr lprm lptest ftp telnet rlogin rsh rcp setterm route umount
All the necessary library support for socket communications and network control is also provided. These follow the BSD and POSIX API standards allowing existing code to be ported rapidly.
When coupled with the TCP/IP suite, Helios-ARM forms an ideal Network Computer Operating System (NCOS). Ports of both a WWW browser and a WWW server are available free of charge from Perihelion. Suitable applications include:
The software is available with a royalty free license option. Full source code of all software is also available if required.
This page is copyright ©1996, Perihelion Ltd