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Helios Graphics Libraries

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X Window for Helios is a port of the internationally recognised X Window standard to Helios. This is a complete and efficient implementation of X Window V11-R4, with full compatibility.

The X Window environment is compatible with Helios TCP/IP.

Helios X can provide X Terminal facilities to a TCP/IP network or send Helios client graphics to remote X servers.

Helios X Windows is extensively optimised for the processor technology. The Helios X server and clients can run on separate processors, providing dramatic performance increases over uni processor workstation designs.

The software includes 100dpi, 75dpi and miscellaneous fonts, a large number of clients, X11, Xtrinsic and Athena Widget libraries, X header files and device drivers for mouse, keyboard and graphic devices (including source).

The Software has been developed from the MIT sources by PDS. The X Window Server requires a 4MByte supported graphics module or a 2MByte module in multi-user systems with reduced bitmap capability. Local graphics hardware and X server is not required if clients are remotely displayed using Ethernet I or a host X Server if present (Helios Sun). Supported graphic boards include INMOS B419, Parsytec GDS, Transtech TTG3, Hema TG300, INMOS IX.

System Requirements:  This software requires a mouse and 18MByte of free disk space for full installation.

VGA Graphics

The Helios PC VGA Graphics Library enables software running under the Helios operating system the ability to drive standard PC graphics boards: VGA, CGA and EGA.

Helios programs are linked to a Microsoft version 5.0 compatible graphics library which calls a terminate stay resident (TSR) program on the PC to drive the graphics hardware. The libraries and TSR are supplied in source code in order to provide developers with maximum flexibility. By using standard graphics hardware, it minimises the cost of adding graphics output to programs developed under Helios-PC. Software has been written by Bath University and PDS.

OSF Motif

Motif V1.1.4 for Helios is a direct port of OSF's popular GUI and programming libraries.

This product contains the Motif Window Manager to control the X Window System, as well as the libraries and headers required to make your own Motif applications.

System Requirements:  This product requires the X Window System for Helios and 4MByte of processor memory for Motif applications.

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